
Engage FAQ

Can my organization identify me from my responses?

No. The reports contain engagement results for the group only. To protect each person’s confidentiality, Gallup does not generate reports for groups that did not have enough people answer the survey items.

Why care about employee engagement?

The world’s top-performing organizations understand that employee engagement is a force that drives business outcomes. Research shows that engaged employees are more productive employees. They are more profitable, more customer-focused, safer, and more likely to withstand temptations to leave the organization. In the best organizations, employee engagement transcends an isolated initiative — it is the way they do business. The best-performing companies know that developing an employee engagement strategy and linking it to achieving performance goals will help them win in the marketplace.

What does the term "engaged" mean? How do you describe an "engaged employee"?

Engaged employees are involved in and enthusiastic about their work. They are 100% psychologically committed to their role. They are thrilled at the challenge of their work every day. They are in a role that uses their talents, they know the scope of their job, and they are more likely to look for new and different ways of achieving the outcomes of their role.

Whom or what am I rating when I answer the overall satisfaction item? Am I rating my immediate supervisor, my department manager, my organization, etc.?

Think about your workplace environment, which is made up of many things. The greatest concern is whether your workplace needs are being met.

What am I supposed to rate with this survey?

Rate your current work environment. Whether you have been with your organization or in your current role for two months or 10 years, you should rate your current work environment.

What if I changed jobs during the past year? Which job should I reference when I take the survey?

Your answers should reflect the position you are in at the time of the survey.

What happens after the survey?

Gallup recommends that all managers with a sufficient number of survey respondents receive employee engagement results, which provide a summary for their workgroup and area of the business. Managers should share the employee engagement results with their team to discuss workplace issues. The manager’s role is to facilitate open discussion among team members about the employee engagement results and the team’s plan for improvement. The State of the Team conversation is an important, local-level action planning strategy for transforming a team into one that is highly engaged. This conversation includes the following steps: 1) Identify a team performance goal. 2) Analyze Gallup Q12 survey results. 3) Select the engagement item to focus on and actions to take. 4) Review and recalibrate.