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OU Employee Engagement

Engage OU | Spring Check-In Survey

Gallup Login

The survey opens Monday, March 31, 2025, and closes Friday, April 11, 2025. This brief, five-question survey follows up on last year’s Employee Engagement Survey to assess progress on addressing engagement and key areas identified in the previous results. The questions in the check-in will be:

  • I received feedback on the previous Employee Engagement Survey conducted at my organization.
  • My team participated in an effective action planning session following last year's Employee Engagement Survey.
  • My team has made progress on the goals set during our action planning sessions after the last Employee Engagement Survey.
  • My manager has met with me to establish individual goals related to last year's Employee Engagement Survey. 
  • I have observed changes in my team or organization as a result of feedback provided in the Employee Engagement Survey.
All responses are confidential and individual responses will not be seen. Only aggregated responses will be reported.

State of the Team Conversations Outline Document Manager Link:

State of the Team Tool:

Q12 Results Discovery Tool:
Manager Guide for Q12 on Gallup Access (see page 7):