Annual Performance Reviews

Performance management is an ongoing, continuous communication process between supervisors and employees about performance, goals, and developmental opportunities.  Supervisors are required to complete a performance review annually, although performance reviews may be given on a more frequent schedule. The University of Oklahoma's performance review and employee development system is designed to:
  • Encourage communication between an employee and their supervisor.
  • Assess past goal achievement and levels of performance.
  • Assist an employee and their supervisor in identifying future performance goals and objectives.
  • Serve as a basis for professional development planning.

Click here to log in to complete your annual review:


Annual Performance Review Timeline

The review process occurs once a year between January and March. The 2023 Calendar Year process is outlined in the graphic below. 


Employee Inputs 2023 Goals (Nov 17, 2023 thru Dec 17, 2023)

  • This step will only occur in 2023 as we transition into Cornerstone.
  • Using the How to Create a Goal video, employee enters their 2023 calendar year goals into Cornerstone.
  • If employee did not have established 2023 goals, work with the supervisor to identify projects and accomplishments already completed.


Employee Self-Review (Jan 2, 2024 thru Jan 31, 2024)

  • Rate each competency
  • Rate each 2023 goal
  • Enter 2024 goals
  • Use the overall comments section to provide examples related to your self-review of 2023 performance.
  • Once employee submits their self-review, notification will be sent to supervisor to begin the next step. (e.g. Employee submits self-review on Jan 5, the supervisor will be able to start writing the review on Jan 5).


Supervisor Writes Review (Jan 10, 2024 thru Feb 14, 2024)

  • Supervisor does not issue or discuss performance ratings at this step!
  • Rate each competency
  • Rate each 2023 goal
  • Enter 2024 goals
  • Use the overall comments section to provide examples related to your staff member's performance for 2023.


Calibration Process (Feb 15, 2024 thru Mar 21, 2024)

  • The following steps are used to review compliance with annual review standards and guide merit planning.
  • The first step is facilitated by the assigned Calibration Coordinators who share performance rating data with their leadership team.
  • The second step is facilitated by the Human Resources Business Partners who share performance rating data with Vice Presidents.


Supervisor Meets with Employee (Mar 26, 2024 thru Apr 10, 2024)

  • Upon notification from Cornerstone:
  • Supervisors schedule and meet with employee to issue and discuss performance reviews.
  • In Cornerstone, supervisor electronically signs off on performance review, followed by the electronic sign-off by the employee.
  • All meetings and sign-off must be completed by April 10, 2024.


Questions? Email


Annual Performance Review

There are three separate and distinct review forms: Staff, Supervisor/Manager, and Executive/Sr. Leaders.  The Performance Review has two primary rating areas: competencies and goals. 

Employee Self-Review

The employee Self-Review allows staff member to provide input into their performance before the supervisor completes their review. Employees will select ratings for their performance on each goal and competency with the opportunity to provide comments associated with overall performance to support their selected ratings.

Supervisor Performance-Review

The supervisor’s Performance Review of their direct reports captures the staff member’s contributions and accomplishments for the performance period, recording ratings and comments. The employee, supervisor, and college/division leadership will have access to view the results of the Annual Performance Review. 

Components of the Performance Review

Employees are reviewed based on competencies and goals. There are five core competencies that have corresponding behavior ratings appearing on the annual review. Behaviors associated with the Successful & Effective level of performance define strong performance outcomes. A Successful & Effective rating represents attainment of all relevant aspects of a competency or goal. Those seeking to raise or lower a rating beyond Successful & Effective should only do so after documenting measurable evidence of superior or unsatisfactory performance. The overall rating is established by weighting a combination of the competencies and goals ratings.

Top Tips

When completing the Employee Self-Review and Supervisor Performance Review steps, be sure to:

  • Reflect on goal/overall job accomplishments and document examples of work.
  • Start each rating exercise at Successful & Effective expectations. Use work examples as justifications to either increase or lower the rating.
  • In the Overall Comments, provide information to support ratings for each competency. Reference work examples to help provide justification for each rating.

September 1 New Hire or Job change

Staff hired new to OU on or after September 1, 2023, are not eligible for a FY25 merit/salary increase.

  1. Justification: These employees are learning their role and understanding the practices of the University.
  2. Change from Past Practice: Using September 1 is a change from past practice, which was previously a hire date of January 1 or later.
  3. Existing staff that changed OU jobs and had an associated pay increase on or after September 1, 2023, are only eligible for up to a 3 rating of “Successful and Effective.”
    1. Justification: They are still learning their new role but are already familiar with OU. Additionally, while they weren’t in their new position for the entirety of the evaluation period of CY2023, they are existing employees and should be eligible for the lowest level increase.
    2. Change from Past Practice: Last year, we suggested, but did not require, that employees new to their roles receive up to a three/satisfactory rating. In this CY2023 review period, this will be required and enforced. 


Employee Self-Review Video

SMART Goals Worksheet

Supervisor Annual Performance Review

Questions? Email

Calibration Process

The Calibration Process is a pause after the supervisor Performance Review but before the issuance of the Review to the employee. This pause provides leadership an opportunity to review performance review data. Leadership will use this data to track compliance with annual review standards, guide merit planning, and to solidify workforce development strategies with special attention to the top performers and contributors with identified growth opportunities.

Calibration occurs at two points in the annual review process:

  • First Calibration: Calibration Coordinator shares review data with the Executive Officer or Senior Leader.
  • Second Calibration: HR Business Partner reviews university wide data.

At these points in the process, leaders should:

  • Address annual review compliance and data trend issues.
  • Discuss talent development strategies for top performers and t team members with identified growth opportunities.
  • Discuss data trends and the potential merit compensation distribution.

Questions? Email

Issuance of the Annual Performance Review

At the conclusion of the Calibration Periods, supervisors will receive an electronic task via email to have a performance review meeting with each of their direct reports. This meeting is when you review successes and areas of development with your employee. It is important to remember that these meetings should be an interactive discussion that gives the employee an opportunity to be directly involved in their professional growth. They can help identify areas of success and growth, address ongoing issues, and leave the meeting feeling like their work is noted and appreciated. The steps include:

  • Prepare ahead of time and be intentional with what you say.
  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting with each of your direct reports.
  • During this one-on-one meeting, discuss your review and ratings of their performance, identified achievements, development opportunities, and goals established for the current year. Be open to suggestions or changes that can be added in the comments section.
  • At the conclusion of this meeting, the Supervisor will electronically sign the review.
  • Once the supervisor has signed off, the employee will receive an electronic notification to sign as well.
  • You will need to monitor that your staff completes the sign off task.
  • Once the employee has signed the Annual Performance Review process is completed.

Top Tips

When completing the meeting and sign-off of the Annual Performance Review, be sure to:

  • Be prepared to discuss your rating and expectations. Use work examples to support ratings.
  • Reflect on goals for the current year.
  • Prepare ahead of time.
  • Meetings should be one-on-one.

Questions? Email

Annual Staff Performance Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What internet browser should I use to access the Cornerstone system?

A. Chrome or Firefox are acceptable browsers to access Cornerstone; Microsoft Edge is not recommended.

Q. I saved my goals as a draft. How do I change them out of draft status and submit them?

A. There should be a dropdown box to the right of your goal. If you choose edit, there should be a submit button at the bottom right-hand corner. 

Q. How has the Annual Performance Review process changed?

A. The annual performance review has transitioned from a paper process to an online performance management system within Cornerstone. Instead of using a paper document, benefits-eligible staff will engage with Cornerstone online through a more phased, ongoing performance review process.

Q. Who will this change impact?

A. This update will affect regular benefits-eligible staff.  Temporary, occasional, PEAK staff, student employees, and faculty are not included in the online performance management process.

Q. How will this change impact the cadence and process of performance reviews?

A. Staff will be required to complete the self-review prior to the supervisor’s review. Timelines have been shared on the HR website here.  

Q. When will the new online performance management system be implemented?

A. The new online performance management system went live on Friday, November 17, 2023, to provide an opportunity for staff to enter their 2023 goals.

Q. Where is the evaluation form in Cornerstone?

A. The annual performance review will not be available until January 2024, when the performance review cycle opens. At that time, each employee will receive an email notifying them that they have a task assigned in the system.

Q. How many goals am I required to submit?

A. Employees are encouraged to have 3-5 goals submitted in the system.

Q. How long do people have to submit goals?

A. Employees can add goals at any time during the year; however, they'll need to add them to the system before starting or submitting their annual self-review to their supervisor.

Q. Are my previous goals or performance evaluations available in Cornerstone?

A. No, unfortunately, we are not migrating previous performance evaluation forms into Cornerstone.

Q. Are goals standardized across the university for same/similar job titles?

A. No, although individuals may hold the same/similar job title in different colleges and/or administrative offices, the expectations for the individual could be significantly different based on the employee's duties and responsibilities, department objectives and performance standards, the employee's knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Q. How do I know if my supervisor has revised my goal?

A. You will receive an email notifying you that the goal has been changed. You can view your goals in the system and using the dropdown menu view the history.

Q. How do I find something in Cornerstone?

A. First, try to access the training resources via the Get Help (link is external) button on the Cornerstone Welcome where you can find help documentation and videos. Or, consider attending an information session or office hours to see live demonstrations of the system.

Q. I can't see/do a specific feature in the system. Who do I contact?

A. Contact the HR Business Partners at

Q: Do I have to use an electronic signature?

A: Yes, electronic signatures are required. Paper copies off the electronic performance review will not be accepted.

Q. What if my employee does not speak, read, or write English?

A. Departments can work with their own personnel to assist with translation where needed. Browsers such as Google offer page translation, which will translate the page information into the language of their choice.

Q.  Do employees new to the university in the previous calendar year need to complete a performance review?

A. Employees hired on or after September 1 will not receive a performance review for that calendar year. In addition, they are not eligible for any merit increase approved by the Board of Regents.

Q. What is the calibration process?

A. The calibration process is a pause between when a supervisor writes the employee’s performance review and when the supervisor issues the performance review. During this pause, the calibration coordinator will evaluate the overall performance review ratings to determine supervisor compliance with the BOR directive stacked ranking distribution percentages.

Q. How are the Calibration Coordinators identified?

A. The Calibration Coordinators and identified by the Executive Officer (Dean/VP) for each college and administrative office.

Q. What is the direction from the Board of Regents regarding stacked ranking distribution percentages?

A. The stacked ranking distribution percentages for regular staff overall performance ratings based on population of: 10% Exceptional, 25% Highly Effective, and 65% Successful & Effective or lower.

Q: How do I know what annual training is required for an employee? 

A: Full complete details, please visit the Required Training page here.

Q: How do I know if an employee has completed their required training?

A: There are two ways you can find this information. There is a report you can run in PeopleSoft using this path: Main Menu > OU MAIN MENU > Records > Reports > Training Report. However, only departmental users have access to this feature. If you do not have access, please reach out to the HR and/or Finance person in your area. If you need help running the report, please consult this job aid. The other way you can gather this information is to ask your employees to send you their training report. Every employee can go to PeopleSoft and on the Employee Self Service main page, click on “Training.” From there you can view your training history and then print the page or take a screenshot and send to your evaluator.

Q: I’m a faculty member, why am I receiving this email?

A: If you are a faculty member who does not manage staff, please disregard this message. Please contact your chair, dean, or the appropriate Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost for information about faculty evaluations.

Q: How are the different areas of the performance review weighted?

A: Performance reviews are weighted as follows:

  • Competencies (Staff 55%, Managers 35%)
  • Functional Job Knowledge
  • Takes Initiative
  • Communicates Effectively
  • Service Focused
  • Demonstrates Integrity
  • Department Specific Contributions (Staff and Managers 10%)
  • Achieving Goals and Objectives (Staff 35%, Managers 55%)

Q: My staff member was hired or changed jobs after September 1, 2023; are they eligible for a merit/salary increase in FY25?

A: Review the guidelines for the FY25 Staff Merit Program here.

Issue 1: The email indicates “please click here to be taken to the overview page of the review.” but the link is not working.

Resolution: HR discovered an issue with the “click here” link in some of the automated emails. You can go to for direct access to the  Cornerstone platform or you can always access the platform from our website at

Issue 2: I received an email that includes text like “{REVIEW.TASK.TITLE} or [{REVIEW.LINK}]”

Resolution: HR is aware that some automated emails are displaying in this manner and we are working to resolve. The Review.Task.Title is supposed to say Annual Performance Review. Similar to issue #1 Review.Link is

Issue 3: I changed positions after 09/01/2023 and did not receive an email to complete my self-review nor do I see a task assigned to me in Cornerstone.

Resolution: Some people were not assigned the self-review due to data issues. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible. Once we have fixed the issue, you should receive an email indicating that you have been assigned a self-review task.

Issue 4: I am a supervisor/manager and I am required to enter comments for each Competency.

Resolution: You will not be required to enter comments for each Competency. We have identified an issue in one of the settings and have corrected and communicated to those who were impacted.


School of Community Medicine Tulsa


The review process will convert to a calendar year review (January – December), regardless of anniversary date. All School of Community Medicine Tulsa, regular benefits-eligible, staff will receive a performance review in Cornerstone regardless of when their last merit raise occurred.

2023 Goals Input and Performance Reviews Recording here.

Employee Inputs 2023 Goals (January 17, 2024 - January 31, 2024)
This step will only occur in 2023/2024 transition into Cornerstone.

Using the How to Create a Goal video, employees enter their 2023 calendar year goals into Cornerstone.

If an employee did not have established 2023 goals, work with the supervisor to identify projects and accomplishments already completed.

Employee Self-Review (February 1, 2024 - February 15, 2024)
  • Rate each competency.
  • Rate each 2023 goal.
  • Enter 2024 goals.
  • Use the overall comments section to provide examples related to your self-review of 2023 performance.
  • Once employee submits their self-review, notification will be sent to supervisor to begin the next step. (e.g. Employee submits self-review on January 18, the supervisor will be able to start writing the review on January 18).

Supervisor Writes Review (February 16, 2024 -February 29, 2024)

  • Supervisor does not issue or discuss performance ratings at this step!
  • Rate each competency
  • Rate each 2023 goal.
  • Enter 2024 goals.
  • Use the overall comments section to provide examples related to your staff member's performance for 2023.
Calibration Process (March 1, 2024 - March 21, 2024)
  • The following steps are used to review compliance with annual review standards and guide merit planning.
  • The first step is facilitated by the assigned Calibration Coordinators who share performance rating data with their leadership team.
  • The second step is facilitated by the Human Resources Business Partners who share performance rating data with Vice Presidents.
Supervisor Meets with Employee (March 22, 2024 -April 10, 2024)
Upon notification from Cornerstone:
  • Supervisors schedule and meet with employees to issue and discuss performance reviews.
  • In Cornerstone, the supervisor electronically signs off on performance review, followed by the electronic sign-off by the employee.
  • All meetings and sign-off must be completed by April 10, 2024.
Questions? Please contact the OU HR Business Partners at


  • Norman: HR Employee Relations, 405-325-1826, NEL 253 
  • OKC Campus: HR Employee Relations, 405-271-2194, Suite 270 
  • Tulsa: Office of Human Resources, 918-660-3190, Room 3C24
  • All campus email:


University of Oklahoma Staff Handbook Performance Evaluation, Formerly SHP 3.19