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FY2026 Staff Merit Salary Program
FY2026 Staff Merit Salary Program
Revised 10/28/24
Pending approval by the OU Board of Regents, as requested by President Harroz, staff salary increases are set to take effect on July 1, 2025.
Eligibility Criteria for Benefits-Eligible Staff:
To qualify for a merit increase, benefits-eligible staff must meet all the following criteria:
Position & Appointment
Appointed to a benefits-eligible position
Hired before September 1, 2024
Have a minimum of 0.5 Full-Time Equivalency (FTE)
Performance Review
Received a Merit Tier assignment of 3, 2, or 1 on their CY2024 Performance Review
Job and Salary Changes
Staff with a job and salary change effective between September 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024, are only eligible for a Merit Tier assignment of 1.
Staff with a job and salary change on or after January 1, 2025, through June 30, 2025, are ineligible for a merit increase.
HR Compensation may approve exceptions for specific market or equity adjustments.
Merit-Based Raises for Grant- and Contract-Funded Staff:
Merit-based raises for staff whose appointments are funded by grants or contracts must adhere to the same guidelines as other staff, including the specified increase amounts, timing, and exclusions outlined on this page.
If legal obligations within a grant or contract may prevent adherence to these guidelines, please send the original signed agreement to for review, along with a list of affected employees that includes the following information:
Employee Details:
Employee Name
Employee ID
Position Funding Details:
OU chartfield spreads and distribution amounts
Grant or Contract Name
Contract Period & Contacts:
Performance Periods/Dates
Contracting Officer or Granting Agency Point of Contact Name
Principal Investigator Name
Program Manager Name
Contract Manager Name
Contract/Grant Specifics:
Contract or Grant Type (e.g., fixed price, cost-plus, research grant, fellowships, project grants, training grants, etc.)
Funding restrictions or clauses regarding pay increases, or prior approval requirements by the contracting agency for increases or rate changes
Please contact your department administrator or HR Comp at
if you have questions.
Academic Appointments:
Merit-based raises for employees in academic positions will generally follow the same guidelines as staff, with certain exceptions based on funding source or appointment type. For questions regarding merit-based raises for academic employees, including faculty and researchers, please contact your college administrator or the Provost’s Office.
How are these merit raises administered?
No action is required from the employee to receive a Merit Tier salary increase. If approved by the OU Board of Regents, the increase will take effect on July 1.
HR colleagues, business managers, and financial administrators will receive an email regarding funding for the raise program and instructions for reviewing pay information.