
About The Survey

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Gallup, an independent research-based consulting company, was chosen by OU to conduct the OU Engagement Survey because of their decades of experience and unique expertise in building and launching meaningful surveys, along with providing the support and resources to act on the results. Gallup has developed a 12 question methodology (Q12) which has been utilized in surveys internationally and across all industries resulting in an extensive database of more than 25 million responses to these base engagement questions. These 12 questions can predict organizational outcomes such as productivity, turnover, absenteeism, well-being and quality.

Q12 responses are analyzed and the results used to help organizations determine how engaged the workforce is and the degree to which employees are getting their performance needs met. OU will not only be able to analyze the results of the Q12 questions from our employees, but will be able to benchmark responses against Gallup's database of higher education institutions across the country.

As OU will be conducting this survey annually, the Q12 platform will also allow us to benchmark responses year over year in order to measure improvements in employee engagement or identify areas of opportunity. The results of the survey will help frontline managers and supervisors develop a more engaged workforce at the department and unit level, as well as help inform broader action items for the Lead On strategic plan at the institution level to help ensure a stable and high-quality workforce. Gallup performs ongoing analysis to ensure that the 12 items continue to link to and predict important business outcomes such as productivity, customer ratings, shrinkage/theft, turnover, absenteeism, safety, and quality. Questions? Email the OU Engage Team at hrbp@ou.edu.