Workers' Compensation and On-the-Job Injury

All university employees, including student and temporary employees, are covered under the Workers' Compensation Act. Each campus administers this program locally.

A workers' compensation claim must be filed when an employee has an on-the-job injury or illness (OJI) which requires medical attention away from the work site or for which the employee will be missing time from work under doctor's orders.

The university self-insures Workers' Compensation coverage and contracts with a third-party, Cannon Cochran Management Systems, Inc.(CCMSI), to oversee, manage, coordinate and approve the treatment provided to university employees.

Deadline: Initial Notice of Injury/Illness

Employees must notify their immediate supervisor or other appropriate supervisory personnel of their injuries as soon as possible. If the injury is not reported to OU within 30 days, the claims administrator will assume it is not work related and the claim will be denied.

Definition: Work Related Injuries and Illnesses

Where: Getting Medical Treatment

Health Sciences Center

The clinics below are the designated providers for medical treatment of job-related injuries and illnesses. Payment to providers other than those listed below may be denied.

Occupational Work Injuries:

200 S Quadrum Dr
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

McBride Clinic 
4901 W Reno Ave #500
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm

Conservative Care Occupational Health Clinic
4330 SE 29th St. Suite 3018
Oklahoma City, OK 73115
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Needle Sticks & Exposure Incidents Only
OU Health Corporate Health & Wellness
OU Physician’s Building - Executive Health Clinic
825 Ne 10th St - Suite 2C
405-271-WELL (9355)
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


If a major injury occurs, or for emergencies after hours, an employee should proceed to the Emergency room at OU Medical. If at any time you feel the employee's injury is urgent (i.e. eye injury, crushed hand, animal bite, open fractures, or injuries requiring stitches, etc) please seek immediate attention at the Emergency room at:

OU Medical Center
700 NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Norman Campus

The clinics below are the designated providers for medical treatment of job-related injuries and illnesses. Payment to providers other than those listed below may be denied.

OU Goddard Health Center
620 Elm Ave
Norman, OK 73069
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Classen Urgent Care
2818 Classen Blvd
Norman, OK 73071
Hours: Sunday - Saturday 7:00 to 10:00 pm

If a major injury occurs, or for emergencies after hours, employees should proceed to the emergency room at either OU Health or the closest ED.

Tulsa Campus

The clinics below are the designated providers for medical treatment of job-related injuries and illnesses. Payment to providers other than those listed below may be denied.

Concentra Urgent Care Hours: 
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 

9515 E 51st St G 
Tulsa, OK 74145

1541 N Sheridan Rd. 
Tulsa, OK 74115

5682 West Skelly Drive
Tulsa, OK 74107

6732 E 41st St.
Tulsa, OK 74145

Needle Sticks & Exposure Incidents Only:
Any Tulsa Access Medical Center Location
Hours: Sunday – Saturday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm

If a major injury occurs, or for emergencies after hours, employees should proceed to the emergency room at either OU Health or the closest ED.

Forms: Reporting an Injury/Illness

Form Deadlines

These forms must be completed within 48 hours when there is ANY on-the-job injury or illness, even if medical care appears to be unnecessary. These forms must be submitted to HR within 48 hours of the incident. Fines can be assessed to the department for delays in submitting forms.  


Click here to download the entire Injury Report Form Packet.
Click here to download the HSC-OKC Needlestick/Exposure Packet.

Submit Forms To

The department should send all forms and work status reports to

Return to Work

Returning to work after recovering from an on-the-job injury or illness is allowed only after the department receives a Work Status Report written by the doctor authorized to provide treatment for the injury. 

Time Off Work

If the treating physician determines the employee is unable to work or any restricted duty cannot be accommodated by the employee's department, the employee will be determined to be "temporarily totally disabled" (TTD). HR will work with Payroll to compute the employee's earned paid time off (PTO) in conjunction with temporary total disability (TTD). TTD begins after the employee has been off work for three (3) calendar days. TTD is 70% of the employee's average weekly wage; the employee can use up to 30% of PTO. If the employee chooses not to use their 30% of PTO, they must submit their request in writing to

An employee's earned PTO is used for any time away from work for doctor's appointments, physical therapy, etc. The employee will need to schedule appointments around their work responsibilities. We encourage the employee to schedule these appointments on the way to work, on their lunch break, or on their way home so the employee's work area is not disrupted and the employee will not have to use as much PTO.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will my OJI affect my pay schedule?

As long as you are being paid a portion of your earnings from OU, regular pay schedule will not change.  Questions about Workers' Comp pay, contact the appropriate per either at the Norman campus, HSC campus or the Tulsa campus.

What will happen to my benefits?

An OJI employee who is covered under FMLA (on leave with or without pay) or who is being paid by OU  (even if not covered under FMLA) should continue receiving Sooner Credits and other benefits coverage as they were prior to OJI.


What about my hours not paid by WC?

Hours not covered by WC are to be paid by OU from the employees paid leave (PTO), extended sick leave, and compensatory time balances. If an employee wishes not to use their paid leave, they must submit their request in writing to

How long do I have to be out for an OJI before I receive Workers' Compensation income benefits?

The first three (3) consecutive workdays are paid to you through your PTO time.  If your absence continues more than 3 consecutive days, then you may be entitled to TTD (Temporary Total Disability) benefits of 70% of your average weekly wage.  The Average Weekly Wage is based off the 12 months prior to date of injury.

How is the average weekly wage calculated?

An employee's average weekly wage is based on actual salary paid to the employee one (1) year prior to the date of injury.

Who does the University use as a third part administrator for Workers' Compensation?

The University uses CCMSI (Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc.) and they can be reached at 1-800-871-5964.


  • All
  • Claims Inquiries: Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI), 1-800-871-5964