Personnel Review Cycle for Staff- FAQs

Please note these FAQs are for PRC department contacts only. 

1. Why did OU establish this review cycle?

Establishing a consistent process allows the university and departments to strategically plan staffing needs that correspond with the annual budget cycle. The goal of this exercise is to anticipate funding and personnel changes for the year.

2. What type of employee personnel classifications are part of the Personnel Review Cycle?

Personnel requests for all benefits-eligible staff employees on all campuses (excludes faculty, students, PEAK, occasional, and temporary employees).

3. What staff are not eligible for the Personnel Review Cycle?

The following staff are not eligible for the FY25 PRC: staff hired between 7/1/23-6/30/24;  staff with a salary increase 7/1/23-6/30/24 (excluding increases for the Salary/Merit Program); and PRC FY24 recipients. If there are extenuating circumstances or if departments believe there might be an error, they can contact HR Compensation.

4. Do I need to include documentation with my PRC submission?

No, the supporting documentation will be submitted with the PA1 once you have authorization to proceed.

5. How will I be able to determine my access and departments assigned to me?

You can run this query in HR PeopleSoft: OUDR_ALL_PRIMARY_SECURITY. Look for the role OU PRC Reviewer. You will have the same access in the PRC Request System as you have in HR PeopleSoft. If additional departments or the role need to be added, use the Department Security Request form. In the HR Dept ID section, describe the addition or removal of specific HR Dept IDs. In the Comments section, write, "Add the OU PRC Reviewer role." NOTE: If you change departments, it changes access in HR PeopleSoft too.

6. I’m a faculty member, does this Personnel Review Cycle affect me? 

The HR Staff Personnel Review Cycle information pertains to staff positions only. For information regarding faculty personnel changes, consult with your college’s faculty administrator or the appropriate Provost’s Office academic/faculty administrator.

7. My salary is paid from a grant- am I included in this Personnel Review Cycle?

Although 100% grant-funded positions will show up on the online form, they not required to be included in the Personnel Review Cycle. However, staff who are partially paid by grant funding are included in the PRC.

8. A department submits a position change during the Personnel Review Cycle and it is approved by HR. Can the hiring manager decide later not to submit the ePAF to effectuate the position change?

Yes, a hiring manager can decide not to pursue the change at any time before the effective date

9. Will all personnel actions impacting a department's budget be processed on an annual cycle?  

No. Requests will continue to be submitted throughout the year to refill vacancies, for reclassifications for vacated positions prior to posting, for counteroffers where the employee has provided a written competing offer, or for issues identified and approved by Human Resources related to pay equity, market competitiveness, or reorganizations.

10. My department's circumstances changed after the submission process. What do we do?

A Staff Personnel Review Cycle Exception Request is required for any requested changes after the planning period. Prior approval will need to be obtained from President Harroz, your Senior Vice President (Sr. VP and Provost Wright, Sr. VP and Provost Raskob, or Sr. VP and CFO Brockwell), or their designee. If you would like to discuss the change in your department's situation before requesting approval, contact HR Compensation at

Examples of circumstances that your department may experience include:

  • Any omission or edit to the original submission.
  • Changes in your department's responsibilities after the submission was made.
  • Grant or contract changes after submission.
  • Any increases in departmental position funding levels after submission.

11. An employee obtains a certification or a license outside of the annual Personnel Review Cycle. Does an increase or reclassification have to wait to be submitted as part of a PRC?

Often this type of request may be submitted for review outside the PRC, please contact the HR Compensation team for assistance with options for processing.

12. Does the PRC planning app take the place of the ePAF preauthorization process? 

No. After submissions made in the app have been approved, a preauthorization (PA1) with supporting documentation is still required for the transactions.

13. When will I submit my backup and supporting documentation for my PRC requests? 

You will submit the required documents when you submit the Pre-Authorization (PA1). The submission process starts in May.

14. What documentation will I need to submit with my Pre-Authorization (PA1) in Peoplesoft?  Each transaction requires different forms and supporting documents to ensure you submit the required documents for processing. Please review this link for your required documents

15. Please click on the link below for the job aid to locate where the form is currently being reviewed.
Workflow Approval Job Aid

16. I still have questions- who can I contact? 

For questions about the Personnel Review Cycle, you may contact the HR Compensation team at For budget-related questions, contact the Norman budget office at or (405) 325-5511, or the HSC budget office at or (405) 271-2404.

17. I still have questions- who can I contact? 

For questions about the Personnel Review Cycle, you may contact the HR Compensation team at For budget-related questions, contact the Norman budget office at or (405) 325-5511, or the HSC budget office at or (405) 271-2404.

18. What is the timeline for the Personnel Review Cycle?

To avoid delays please adhere to the schedule below. 

PRC Timeline

  • Submit ePAF (PA1) with backup documents: TBD
  • HR Comp Final Review/Approval of PA1: TBD
  • Submit ePAF (PA2) to process transaction: TBD
  • Personnel transaction effective date: September 1, 2024-June 30, 2025
  • Appeals to Sr. Vice President, President, or Designee: Exceptions will begin to be accepted in September 2024.

19. What is the earliest effective date for the PRC approved changes?

September 1, 2024

20. How will I know that my PRC request was approved?

You will be notified via email when a final decision regarding your request has been made.

21. How can the PRC contact check the status of their request?

The PRC online form will contain the status of department requests. 

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