Approved by the Board of Regents March 2012 
The OU Board of Regents has established a campus Tobacco-Free policy consistent with state Executive Orders 2012-01 and 2013-43. All properties and facilities of the University of Oklahoma, regardless of campus or location, are free of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and vaping devices.
Use of tobacco products including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and vaping devices is not permitted on university property beginning July 1, 2012. The policy applies to every person on any University of Oklahoma campus, including visitors, faculty, staff, volunteers, students, alumni, contractors, and service representatives. The policy includes all OU-owned, leased, rented, or maintained property including, but not limited to: buildings, facilities, sidewalks, roadways, parking lots, and grounds. The policy also includes all university-owned, leased, or rented vehicles.
Periodic Review: The implementation and administration of this policy will be periodically reviewed for effectiveness and consistency.