Verifying Employment & Income

This page provides information for businesses and organizations seeking to verify employment and income. The University of Oklahoma uses Experian Verify to provide automated employment and income verification for our employees.

Businesses & Organizations

Obtaining Proof of Employment Only

  • Go to
  • Create an account if you don’t already have one, by clicking on the "I am a commercial verifier" link.
  • The employee’s full name, social security number, and name of the employer are required to complete your verification.

Obtaining Proof of Employment & Income

  • Go to
  • Create an account by clicking on the "I am a commercial verifier" link.
  • The employee’s full name, social security number, name of employer, and signed authorization are required to complete your verification.

Special Instructions for Social Services Agencies

  • Go to
  • Create an account by clicking on the "I am a social service verifier" link.
  • The employee’s full name, social security number, name of employer, and signed authorization are required to complete your verification.