Time, Leave, & Holidays

This page provides guidance to HR/Payroll Coordinators in advising employees about leave policies and recording leave in PeopleSoft.

HSC Programs

Find up-to-date guidelines, paycheck calendars and payroll processes for HSC programs on the HSC Payroll Services website. 

Policies & Reporting

Paid Leave

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes: Paid Leave


  • PLS - Paid leave scheduled non-exempt
  • PLU - Paid leave unscheduled non-exempt
  • SPL - Paid leave exempt 
  • PFM - Paid leave/FMLA non-exempt (when FMLA-qualifying event is included)
  • FML - Paid leave/FMLA exempt (when FMLA-qualifying event is included)


  • 170 - Paid leave
  • 175 - Paid leave/FMLA (when FMLA-qualifying event is included)
  • 178 - Medical resident vacation
  • 188 - Medical resident sick leave
  • 120 - Medical resident educational leave

Policy Summary

Definition: Accrued hours that may be used by twelve-month faculty and staff, with supervisory approval, for paid time off.

Summary of Policy:To accrue paid leave employees must hold a continuous appointment of at least 50% Full Time Equivalent (FTE).  

FTE is based on the total of all hours in an employee’s active job record(s). 1.00 FTE = 173.33 standard hours each month.

Leave accrual rates are based on employment category and/or years of service. Accrual maximums are the same for all employees of an employment category regardless of FTE.

Medical residents, 9-month faculty, temporary and student employees do not accrue paid leave. See details under "Accrual Rates & Guidelines by Employee Group."

Accrual Rates & Guidelines by Employee Group

Find more information about leave accrual for Norman programs here.

Accrual Adjustments


Payroll coordinators in HSC programs may adjust leave accruals in HR PeopleSoft HCM when necessary to ensure that the official record of leave matches the leave taken and recorded in the department. If an employee’s record of leave continues to require adjustment, contact the Leave Coordinator in Human Resources.

PeopleSoft Earning Codes

  • 172 – Paid Leave Adjustment
  • 182 – ESL Adjustment
  • 179 – Resident Vacation Adjustment
  • 189 – Resident Sick Leave Adjustment


If leave balances need to be adjusted for Norman programs, contact Payroll and Employee Services.

When does paid leave accrue?

Paid Leave will accrue for the amount of time or percentage of time a benefits-eligible employee is on:

  • Paid leave
  • Paid leave-FMLA
  • Sabbatical (full or half-pay)
  • Paid administrative leave
  • Paid military leave
  • Judicial leave (jury duty)
  • Holiday pay
  • Paid class hours
  • Compensatory time taken

When does paid leave not accrue?

Paid Leave will not accrue for the amount of time or percentage of time an employee is on:
  • Leave without pay
  • Extended sick leave
  • Military leave without pay
  • VA or non-university funding
  • Leave without pay-FMLA
  • Administrative leave without pay
  • Terminal paid leave
For monthly paid employees using one of the leave types above, the paid leave accrual will be prorated based on the number of days worked in proportion to the employee’s FTE. Contact Payroll and Employee Services in Norman for examples and more information.

Biweekly paid employees will receive paid leave accrual on the hours submitted as hours worked or for the leave types listed above under ‘When does leave accrue?’.

Overtime & Compensatory Time

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes

HR PeopleSoft HCM will automatically calculate overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 hours per work week. 


  • CPA - Comp time earned
  • CPT - Comp time used
  • CPP - Comp time pay out

Health Sciences Center

  • 920 - Comp time earned
  • 935 - Comp time used
  • 940 - Comp time pay out

Policy Summary: Overtime


Overtime is compensation for hourly employees (non-exempt employees) that are required to work in excess of 40 hours in a designated work week. Part-time hourly employees (less than 1.0 FTE) do not accrue overtime unless they work more than 40 hours in a designated work week. 

Overtime work must be approved in advance by the supervisor. 

Hourly employees accepting work in a budget unit other than their primary one are responsible for notifying the secondary budget unit of their employment status with the university. Whenever the combined hours of work of hourly employees exceed 40 hours in a work week, overtime pay must be paid for the excess hours. In each such instance, the budget unit exceeding the appointed FTE will be responsible for paying overtime.

Pay Rate

Hourly employees are eligible for overtime pay at the rate of time-and-a-half for the time worked in excess of 40 hours per work week. For the purposes of computing overtime pay, paid leave and holidays will be treated as hours worked in Norman programs only. Paid leave and holidays are not to be used to calculate overtime pay for HSC programs. 


Excluded from overtime compensation are unscheduled paid leave, extended sick leave, administrative leave, and services that are occasional and sporadic in nature, performed solely at the employee’s discretion, and that are unrelated to the type of work normally performed by the employee (e.g. taking tickets, ushering, parking cars, keeping athletic scores, etc.).

Salaried employees (exempt employees) are not normally eligible for overtime pay. Exceptions to this policy must be approved in advance by the appropriate provost or vice president.

Policy Summary: Compensatory Time

Compensatory Time

Compensatory time (comp time) is an alternative method for compensating hourly (non-exempt) employees who work overtime. No overtime is to be worked unless it is approved in advance by the employee's supervisor. 

No employee shall be required to receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay unless an agreement or understanding is reached by the employer and employee before the performance of the work.

Accrual Rate

Compensatory time is accrued as one-and-one-half hours for each hour worked in excess of 40 hours in a work week. Compensatory time can be used by the employee like paid time off.  


Compensatory time off must be taken within one year of the date of accumulation. Employees will be automatically paid for compensatory time not taken after one year.

No more than 90 hours of compensatory time (60 hours worked) may be accumulated. Employees will be paid automatically for any compensatory hours in excess of 90.

Transferring or terminating employees will be required to use all compensatory hours before transferring or be paid by the department in which the compensatory time was accrued.


Salaried (exempt) employees are not normally eligible for compensatory time. Exceptions to this policy must be approved in advance by the appropriate provost or vice president.

Designated Work Week

The normal, designated work week shall begin at 12:01 am Saturday and end the following Friday at midnight.

Departments working flexible or alternative schedules may change the standard work week with approval from Human Resources.


Review the Holiday Calendar here. 

Policy Summary

Definition: Designated days when university offices are closed and employees receive pay. To be eligible for holiday pay, employees must hold a continuous appointment of at least .50 FTE.

Summary of Policy: Holiday time is granted to benefits eligible employees in proportion to their full-time equivalency (FTE). Faculty appointed to 9-month positions* will be granted holiday time for those holidays which fall within their contract. Students and other temporary employees are not eligible for paid holidays.

The university recognizes 11 paid holidays each academic year. Human Resources publishes the Holiday schedule.  The Tulsa Campus may operate under varied policies and may publish a separate schedule. Holidays on Saturdays will be observed by the university on the preceding Friday. Holidays on Sundays will be observed by the university on the following Monday.

*HSC programs may also rarely have faculty appointed to 10-month positions. In those cases, policies for 9-month faculty also apply to 10-month faculty. 

Receiving Pay for Holidays

To receive compensation for holidays, an employee must be at work or on approved leave with pay on the day preceding or the day following the designated holiday.

Terminating employees must work either the day preceding or the day following a holiday to be eligible for holiday pay. Contact Human Resources for information.

Retiring employees, i.e. employees receiving OTRS, OU, or Social Security retirement, and the beneficiaries of deceased employees will be paid for accrued paid leave time up to the maximum accrual allowance and will receive pay for holidays falling within the terminal pay period.

Prorated Holiday Pay by FTE

Holiday compensation is prorated based on full-time equivalency (FTE) for benefit-eligible employees with less than 1.0 FTE.

Example 1: Prorating for an employee with one position and an FTE of .50 for the month of November (16 holiday hours).

Calculation: 16 x .5 = 8 hours of holiday pay

Example 2: Prorating for an employee with multiple positions and an FTE of .60 – eligible for benefits at 60% - for the month of November (16 Holiday hours).


  • (Position 1 .30 FTE) 16 x .30 = 4.8 hours holiday pay
  • (Position 2 .30 FTE) 16 x .30 = 4.8 hours holiday pay
  • TOTAL = 9.6 hours holiday pay

Alternative Dates to Official Holidays

University offices are officially closed on these holidays except where continuous operations must be sustained to avoid conflicts with patient care, teaching schedules, and service-related functions.

Benefits-eligible employees who are required to work on these specific dates may be given an alternative date(s) to take the designated holiday. The alternative holiday is to be scheduled between the affected employee and their supervisor.

Extended Sick Leave

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes: Extended Sick Leave


  • ESL - Extended sick leave for non-exempt employees
  • XSL - Extended sick leave for exempt employees

Health Sciences Center

  • 180 - Extended sick leave
  • 185 - Extended sick leave/FMLA (when applicable)

Policy Summary

Employees must hold a continuous appointment of at least .50 FTE to accrue extended sick leave (ESL). ESL may be used only after hours have accrued. ESL is available to be used for personal illness of the employee or caring for a qualified family member who is approved under FMLA. How quickly ESL can be used depends on the kind of appointment the employee has (see following panes). 

Acceptable medical documentation of illness or disability and supervisory authorization are required before charges to ESL are allowed.

Using ESL: 12-Month Employees

For employees that are in 12-month appointments, extended sick leave for personal illness shall be taken in the following order: 

  1. Five (5) days of paid leave time
  2. Extended sick leave
  3. Compensatory leave
  4. Remaining paid leave time
  5. Leave without pay

Using ESL: 9-Month Employees

Faculty appointed to 9-month positions* accrue 96 hours (12 days) of extended sick leave per year. There is no maximum accrual amount for full-time faculty members with the rank of instructor or above who hold continuous appointments. 9-month faculty do not accrue other paid leave.

Nine-month faculty in Norman may use extended sick leave once hours have been accrued, with approval from their supervisor. If no hours have been accrued, time will be charged to leave without pay.

Absences of 9-month faculty for reasons other than personal illness will be charged as leave without pay. 

HSC Faculty Handbook: Extended Sick Leave Policy for Nine- and Ten-month Faculty, Section 6.4.3
Norman Faculty Handbook: Extended Sick Leave Policy for Nine-Month Faculty, Section 3.21.4

Transferring Paid Leave to ESL

An employee may transfer accrued paid leave time to an ESL account by submitting a written request to their supervisor or payroll coordinator. Time deposited in the extended sick leave account may not be transferred back to the employee’s paid leave account.

Terminal Leave

Terminal leave is when the university pays an employee the value of their accrued paid leave balance when they terminate. The policy depends on the kind of appointment the employee has. No payment is made for extended sick leave balances. Payment for terminal leave will not include university holidays that fall within the terminal leave payout period except for retiring employees (see below).

Process for Paying Terminal Leave


Contact Payroll and Employee Services.

Health Sciences Center

Complete the Temporary Worker Appointment and Special Pay Request (OUPAY) form from Payroll Services and indicate hours and/or amount of the Paid Leave Termination Payout.

12-Month Employees

12-month employees who terminate employment and who have been employed by the university in a benefits-eligible position will be paid for accrued paid time off, not to exceed the employee’s annual accrual amount. 

Grants & Contracts

Employees appointed to grants and contracts accounts are not paid for accrued leave upon termination unless the grant or contract contains a separate account with sufficient funds to pay for accumulated leave time upon termination. Grants and contracts employees are expected to use their paid leave time during their appointment period.

Retiring Employees

Retiring employees, i.e. employees receiving OTRS, OU, or Social Security retirement, and the beneficiaries of deceased employees will be paid for accrued paid leave time up to the maximum accrual allowance and will receive pay for holidays falling within the terminal pay period.

9-Month Employees

When an employee terminates, they are not paid for extended sick leave balances. Faculty appointed to 9-month positions* only accrue extended sick leave so they will not be paid any leave balances upon termination. 

*HSC programs may also rarely have faculty appointed to 10-month positions. In those cases, policies for 9-month faculty also apply to 10-month faculty. 

Medical Residents & Post-Doctoral Fellows in HSC Programs

Medical Residents and Post-Doctoral Fellows in Health Sciences Center programs will not be paid for unused leave at the time of termination.

Administrative Leave

Administrative leave with pay may be granted when it is determined to be in the university’s best interest that an employee not return to work for a specified period of time or for designated emergency closings of the university because of inclement weather, natural disaster, pandemic illness, or other events as determined by the President. If the University has a partial closure due to inclement weather, eligible employees will receive Administrative Leave. If the employee decides to remain off work after the University reopens, that time shall be deducted from the employee’s PTO bank. Authority to grant  administrative leave requires prior approval by the President, appropriate provost, or vice president. 

Time approved for administrative leave will not be charged to an employee's paid time off account.


  • Benefits-eligible employees, except those assigned to certain federal grants and contracts, are eligible to receive administrative leave with pay.
  • Employees who are not benefits-eligible are paid only for time worked and are not eligible for administrative leave. 
  • Part-time employees receive administrative leave only for the hours they were scheduled to work on the day(s) that administrative leave was authorized. 

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes

  • Norman: ADM - Administrative leave for non-exempt employees
  • Norman: ADL - Administrative leave for exempt employees
  • Health Sciences Center: 085 - Administrative leave

Judicial/Jury Leave

Pay will be given to benefits-eligible employees who are 1) called for jury duty or 2) subpoenaed as a witness before a court of law, legislative committee, or judicial body.

Documentation is required to access time off for judicial (jury) leave and should be maintained in the department file.

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes

  • Norman: JRY - Jury duty for non-exempt employees
  • Norman: JUR - Jury duty for exempt employees
  • Health Sciences Center: 080 - Jury duty

Military Leave

Employees who are members of the Oklahoma National Guard or any branch of the United States military or its reserve components are entitled to a leave of absence with pay for the first 30 regularly scheduled work days of active military duty during any federal fiscal year (October 1 through September 30) when ordered by proper authority to active or inactive duty. The leave with pay will not be charged against paid leave or other accrued benefits. 

Employees who are employed by the university for brief, nonrecurring employment that is not expected to last indefinitely or for a significant period of time are not entitled to military leave except under limited conditions. Contact Human Resources for assistance regarding such determinations.

The employee must provide their department a copy of written military orders before time off can be granted.

Pay & Pay Differential

The following guidelines are applicable for military leaves on or after September 11, 2001, and during the period that “Operation Enduring Freedom” is in effect:

  • During the first 30 regularly scheduled work days, employees will receive their full regular pay.
  • For leave that extends beyond 30 regularly scheduled work days, the university will pay the difference between the employee’s full regular pay and their military pay, if any.  

Review these links for more information:

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes: 


  • MIL - First 30 days of military leave for non-exempt employee
  • MLT - First 30 days of military leave for exempt employee
  • Requests for military differential pay should be submitted to HR

The department processes an ePAF placing the employee on paid military leave (PLA/MIL) for the first 30 days. Once the 30 days have elapsed, the department will process an ePAF placing the employee on military leave without pay (LOA/MIL).  When the employee returns from military leave, the department will process an ePAF returning them from leave (RFL/RFL) to place the employee back in pay status.

Health Sciences Center

  • 090 - Military leave (paid)
  • 095 - Military leave without pay
  • 097 - Military differential 

Disciplinary Leave

An employee may be placed on a leave of absence with or without pay when it is in the best interest of the university to do so. Contact HR Employee Relations or the HR Business Partners with questions concerning disciplinary leave.
  • With pay for 1 working day
  • Without pay for up to 5 working days

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes

  • Norman: ADM - Administrative leave for non-exempt employees
  • Norman: ADL - Administrative leave for exempt employees
  • Health Sciences Center: 085 - Administrative leave
  • Health Sciences Center: 087 - Administrative leave without pay

Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Review the Family & Medical Leave Act policy and forms here. 

FMLA leave runs concurrently with other types of leave. Employees are required to use accrued paid leave and extended sick leave (for their own serious health conditions) while taking FMLA leave before taking any unpaid leave of absence. Absences related to an on-the-job injury for which Workers’ Compensation is received will also be designated as FMLA if the employee and/or the event is eligible.

See the Staff Handbook, Section 3.10 and Section 3.11, regarding paid leave and other types of leaves of absence. 

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes


  • FML – FMLA with pay non-exempt
  • FMN – FMLA without pay non-exempt
  • PFM – FMLA with pay exempt
  • UFM – FMLA without pay exempt

Health Sciences Center

  • 175 – Paid leave/FMLA
  • 185 – ESL/FMLA
  • 425 – LWOP/FMLA

Leave Without Pay

Leaves of absence without pay may be reported for an employee when no paid leave time is available. Leaves of absence without pay (LWOP) for personal reasons may be recommended by the Budget Unit Head or Medical Program Director (for Medical Residents) when it appears to be in the best interests of the university and the employee. Such leaves may not exceed one year in length.

Leave without pay for FLSA-exempt (salaried) employees may not be for absences of less than one day's duration.

LWOP does not count as service time worked for computation of benefits other than retirement or FMLA as specified.

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes:

  • Norman: FMN - FMLA without pay (if LWOP includes a FMLA qualifying event)
  • Health Sciences Center: 420 - LWOP
  • Health Sciences Center: 425 - LWOP/FMLA (if LWOP includes a FMLA qualifying event)

Workers' Compensation

Review the Workers' Compensation policy and forms here. 

When employees are off work as part of a workers' compensation claim, use the codes below to track their time away from work. 

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes:

  • Norman: OJI - On-the-job injury for exempt and non-exempt employees
  • Health Sciences Center: OJI - On-the-job injury


Investigative Leave

An employee may be placed on investigative leave and temporarily released from duty for up to five working days with pay to permit investigation of apparently serious infractions of university and/or departmental rules, policies, or applicable law. Extensions may be granted at the discretion of the Chief HR Officer. (Adopted: 7/1/11)

PeopleSoft Earnings Code

Health Sciences Center: 085 - Administrative leave


Sabbatical leave may be granted to regular faculty for specialized scholarly activity or broad cultural experience. Contact the Provost's office for more information.

PeopleSoft Earnings Codes

Norman: Contact the Provost's office for assistance recording sabbatical time.
Health Sciences Center: 100 - Sabbatical with full salary
Health Sciences Center: 110 - Sabbatical with half salary

The Basics - (Norman Programs)

HR PeopleSoft: Official Record of Time & Leave

The official record of leave for employees is in HR PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM).

Recording Employee Time

For monthly-paid employees, each monthly paycheck reflects pay for the current month and leave balances as of the end of the previous month. When processing payroll each month, payroll coordinators report pay for the current month and deduct leave that the employee used in the previous month. This is called Exception Time reporting.

For biweekly-paid employees, each paycheck reflects the hours actually worked and the leave actually taken during the pay period. 

Time Sheets

Procedures for tracking time on time sheets or by other means depend on the campus and the department. 

Health Sciences Center & Tulsa

Time sheets and time tracking procedures are department specific. Employees should follow the processes provided by their department. Time tracking will be updated for HSC programs in May 2015 as part of the TAL Project


  • Time sheets must be signed and dated by the employee and supervisor.
  • Time must be entered and approved in PeopleSoft by the posted deadlines. Missing a deadline will cause the employee to miss a paycheck.
  • Time sheets must be retained in the department for at least 3 years. 

Norman Hourly Employees (Paid Biweekly) 

Norman Salaried Employees (Paid Monthly)

Leave Balances

Leave balances: Paid Time Off (PTO) and Extended Sick Leave (ESL) balances are stored in HR PeopleSoft HCM and reflect the balance accrued as of the last day of the previous month for monthly paid employees and as of the last day of the pay period for biweekly paid employees.

In Norman these balances are reflected on the Leave Accrual Balances screen in HR PeopleSoft HCM. For biweekly paid employees the balance is as of the 'Accrual Date' and for monthly paid employees the balance is as of the month before the 'Accrual Date'.

Review Time Reports

Review Time Reports: To check PTO and ESL balances in HR PeopleSoft HCM against departmental records, compare departmental records with these reports:

  • HSC: Departmental Register Report
  • Norman: Hourly Paid Leave by Pay Period, Hourly ESL by Acct Nbr, Monthly Paid Leave by Acct Nbr, Monthly ESL by Acct Nbr

The PTO and ESL accrual balances shown on these reports are as of the last day of the previous month for monthly paid employees and as of the last day of the pay period for biweekly paid employees.  

Record Leave

Record Leave: In addition to recording PTO and ESL hours during payroll processing, the following types of leave should also be posted to the Job Record within HR PeopleSoft HCM:

  • Leave Without Pay 
  • FMLA
  • Workers Compensation 
  • Military Leave

Verify Payments (HSC Only)

Verify Payments: To verify direct deposits and supplemental payroll information at HSC, refer to the Departmental Payroll Report forwarded by Payroll to all departments after each payroll cycle.


  • Norman: Payroll and Employee Services 
    (405) 325-2961
  • HSC: HR Records, (405) 271-2180
  • Tulsa: HR Records, (918) 660-3197


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