D6. Future Goals
At the conclusion of a new employee's first 90 days of employment, celebrate their achievements and set the stage for future growth by identifying both position-specific and career goals.
- Celebrate Accomplishments:
- Congratulate new team members on successfully completing their first three months at OU.
- Review Progress:
- Reflect on what they have accomplished so far and identify any areas for further development.
- Collaborate on Goal Setting:
- Work together to define short-term and long-term position and career goals.
- Discuss Engagement and Resource Needs:
- Talk about their engagement with the role, resources needed for continued success, and ways to enhance their work experience.
- Set Performance Review Expectations:
- Outline expectations for the upcoming performance review period and discuss what will be assessed.
- Encourage Growth:
- Challenge them to continue developing their skills and knowledge.
- Encourage participation in professional development opportunities.
- Assign stretch assignments to expand their capabilities.
- Provide coaching and support for ongoing success.
- Foster Continued Support:
- Connect them with a mentor who can provide guidance.
- Maintain regular check-ins and follow-up meetings to ensure their growth and engagement.