Hire Like a P.R.O.

D5. Second and Third Months

During the second and third months of employment, the focus should shift to deeper acclimation to job functions, project involvement, continued training, and ongoing support.

Key Activities and Checkpoints

  • Schedule Review:
    • At the beginning of each month, review schedules for key meetings, project deadlines, and training sessions.
  • Task and Project Assignment:
    • Assign meaningful tasks and projects for completion during the second and third months.
  • Weekly Check-Ins:
    • Meet at least once a week to discuss work, project, and orientation progress, address concerns, and provide support.
  • Performance Feedback:
    • Review their work and provide constructive feedback.
    • Highlight specific examples of successes and areas for improvement.
  • Training and Skill Development:
    • Confirm they have completed all assigned courses, videos, procedures, guides, and other resources related to their role.
    • Assign additional training and offer coaching or mentoring to address skill gaps and support job acclimation.
  • Recognition and Encouragement:
    • Celebrate their progress and congratulate them on completing their first month at OU.

End-of-Month Follow-Up