
What Is Engagement?

Why Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey?

Conducting employee engagement surveys at regular intervals will provide OU the tools to improve the employee experience. Measuring employee engagement assists OU in identifying areas of strength and opportunity leading to programs that will assist in the development of effective employee recruitment and retention strategies, making OU an employer of choice.

What is Engagement?

Employee engagement is a term used to determine if an employee or group of employees is motivated and enthusiastic about their workplace. Engaged employees are mentally and emotionally connected to their team and their organization. 

An employee engagement survey refers to a series of questions used to gauge how motivated and happy an organization's employees are. Gallup, the university's partner for this employee engagement survey, is a recognized world leader in engagement surveys.

Why Engagement Matters

According to Gallup, engaged employees produce better outcomes. Institutions that invest in employee engagement experience:
  • Reduced Turnover
  • Lower Absenteeism
  • Increased Well-Being
  • Increased Productivity

Supervisors Play an Important Role in Employee Engagement

Research from Gallup shows that direct supervisors account for 70% of the difference in team engagement. Working with unit leaders to understand the results for their areas, and supporting them in establishing action items will be critical in affecting change for individual employees and improving their engagement.